Rinnai has unveiled a CIBSE-approved CPD on Seasonal Performance Factors, on the efficiency of Heat Pumps, to a focus group of consultants, systems designers and contractors in London. The CPD started as a ‘White Paper’ presenting an innovation in measuring system performance and providing increased detail into the efficiency of commercial heating and hot water dispersal systems. Rinnai’s Sean Ehlen M Eng was the author of the SPF White Paper, and it is freely available to view at www.rinnai-uk.co.uk
Rinna’s focus group was well attended and concentrated on introducing an alternative methodology - Seasonal Performance Factor - to evaluate the efficiency of commercial heating and hot water systems. Rinnai’s Sean Ehlen M Eng hosted the presentation explaining his new approach and then took questions. The peer-led focus group arrived at the conclusion that the Seasonal Performance Factor approach provided customers with greater added transparency towards system performance, cost and expectations.
Rinnai’s ‘White Paper’ report details the potential limitations of manufacturer-issued efficiency measures for Heat pumps, namely COP (Coefficient of performance) and SCOP (Seasonal Coefficient of Performance). Manufacturers often measure heat pump efficiency using Coefficient of Performance (COP), which is the ratio of useful heat energy produced to the electricity consumed at a specific external air temperature and temperature rise required.
Due to the SCOP rating solely measuring the efficiency of the heat pump unit, this may yield a lack of system congruity when considering the entire system. Consequently, relying on this performance measurement alone can affect the overall system expectations and ultimately the expected carbon reductions.
Instead, the Rinnai White paper has adopted the ‘Seasonal Performance Factor.’ This methodology evaluates all energy utilizing components within a commercial hot water system, therefore, measuring the performance of the entire system as opposed to solely the heat pump.
By presenting this White Paper to UK customers, Rinnai aims to provide information that delivers a concise and true account of commercial hot water heating performance using the ‘Seasonal Performance Factor’ methodology.
Rinnai continues to inform the UK market of details that provide an accurate statement of system performance, while considering the effects on operational expenditure, economic investment, and environmental impact.
Rinnai understands the significance of an investment during a time of sensitive economic constraints and rising energy costs. Rinnai aim to share all information that assists the UK customer in decision making that assists the drive to NetZero and is financially efficient.